A Dickens of a Time ~ 29 September 2013

Over the past months, astrologers have touted the unpredictable, potentially volatile nature of the ongoing squares between Uranus in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn. Continued mass shootings and the recent terrorist attack in Kenya affirm the importance of those astrological warnings. Yet, this past week with Saturn in Scorpio forming a sea-smoothing sextile with Pluto in Capricorn, The United Nations unanimously approved a resolution regarding Syria’s chemical weapons - an amazing and positive step forward. And in the days that followed, the first actual conversation since 1979 between the presidents of the United States and Iran took place. Both images evolve from Saturn’s hard work and Pluto’s fastidious commitment to intention for higher good.

Perhaps Dickens observed it best in A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

Fresh into a change of seasons, the Sun is but three days away from aligning with Pluto and Uranus. Thus, another tedious, blustery debt ceiling crisis looms over the ledgers of the United States. Perhaps the real bluster should be that of realization! As the Sun engages this pattern, it crosses an anomalistic pulsar of great notoriety. The Sun aligns with the first object known in modern astronomy to hold planets in its grasp outside of our Sun.

Since pulsars are not the kind of thing that support life, this stunning cosmic fact was largely ignored. Perhaps this potent t-square of the next days signals the need to expand realities and consider the scope of yet alien realities. Perhaps it is a time to abandon any self-referential egotism or solipsism that defeat the purpose of cooperation and beneficial combined efforts, as the innate spirit of the Sun in collaborative Libra exemplifies. Set aside hurt feelings and dramatic reactions that may abate the path of progress. Keep your attention and light directed toward original and noble objectives.

Yes, dramatic reactions. Mars is in Leo and we are just coming off a square between the god of war with the goddess of love, Venus. Passions have surged in the past days. Those caught in this pattern fought to defend their creative integrity and vainly struggled to maintain control over the reactions of others.

Jupiter, within a few degrees which is nothing in his world, trines Venus in Scorpio. Her extra deep needs, passions, desires, intentions stirred by Scorpio have all received Jupiter’s blessing... and embellishment. Good news and bad news all at once.

Mercury abandoned socially conscious Libra and left behind decorum and politeness in the interest of bottom line proclamations of desire, intention and belief. As a tree in a wind storm observes, having a good root system is essential to begin dug in... so is the need to bend with the wind and not pass a snapping point.

Soon Mercury will retrograde in Scorpio. Mercury retrogrades when just short of a trine to Jupiter. During the next weeks, he forms three conjunctions with Saturn, and two with Neptune as he stations in a trine to the dream weaver in mid-November.

Seems like it’s a great idea to develop inspirations and dreams with receptivity to modifying those visions as Saturn declares three intervals for definition, declaration and development and refinement, enhancement and recommitment. Do the prep work, despite fussy patterns and annoying reactions. Savor the creative sparks and moments of inspiration.

Opportunities abound despite interpersonal dramas, collective concerns, petty tyrants and annoying setbacks. Indeed, it is the best of times and it is the worst of times.

Do whatever spiritual drill keeps your center intact. Create as if there’s no tomorrow and no matter what response is given to your best effort today. In these roller coaster transits, who knows what amazing thread can be selected in the moments just ahead? One way to find out... engage the best of the times.